Bez / Without
2022 / 63’
Režija / Directed by
Luka Papić
Scenario / Written by
Luka Papić, Srđa Vučo
Produkcija / Produced by
Srđa Vučo
Produkcijska kuća / Production company
Ranč production
Koprodukcijska kuća / Co-production company
Non-Aligned Films
Kontakt / Contact
Nakon dobijanja otkaza slikar autsajder iz Beograda, Aleksandar, gubi svog psa i kreće u potragu za njim. Sa svojim neobičnim prijateljima vodi nas na putovanje kroz svoju viziju Srbije, dajući joj društveni, politički i emocionalni kontekst. Lutajući ovim fragmentima, i Aleksandar i Srbija traže identitet.
After getting fired, an outsider painter from Belgrade, Aleksandar, loses his dog, and now he is on a quest to find it. He guides us with his strange friends on a journey through his vision of Serbia, giving it the social, political and emotional context. Roaming through these fragments, both Aleksandar and Serbia are looking for an identity.